Home Patient Info Dental Blog Tongue Cleaning Is Essential for a Healthy Mouth

Tongue Cleaning Is Essential for a Healthy Mouth

Posted on 8/23/2021 by Brian Rounds, DDS
Tongue Cleaning Is Essential for a Healthy MouthWhen it comes to maintaining good oral health, the tongue is of paramount importance. The need to brush your teeth daily and floss regularly is much emphasized, but the need to clean the tongue is often overlooked. Cleaning your tongue is extremely important for a healthy mouth. Read on to understand why tongue cleaning is essential for your oral health.

Ensures Thorough Cleaning

No matter how careful and diligent you brush your teeth, you can't get rid of all the bacteria if you don't brush your tongue. Cleaning your tongue through scraping or brushing will help get rid of particles that have accumulated on its surface. When the tongue is rarely cleaned, it harbors numerous bacteria trapped in its protective biofilm. The accumulation of such bacteria contributes to several dental issues like decay and cavities. If these conditions are left untreated, they will advance and lead to severe consequences like tooth loss. This underlines the importance of tongue cleaning and brushing, and flossing.

Eliminate Bad Breath

You can thoroughly brush and floss your teeth but still have bad breath. This is because you have left out the tongue that contributes to the smell that comes from your mouth. An uncleaned tongue contains thousands of bacteria that could pile up and form plaque. If you don't get it off, it will contribute to bad breath. Therefore, when brushing your teeth, always remember to brush your tongue.

Maintains the Sense of Taste

With a good sense of taste, you will enjoy delicious foods with delight. However, if the tongue is not cleaned, particles will build up over the taste buds and prevent it from picking up the taste. This will take away the joy of enjoying your favorite dishes. Maintaining good oral hygiene is not sufficient if you don't clean your tongue. Contact our offices for more information on the importance of cleaning your tongue.
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