Home Patient Info Dental Blog -Ways Improving Your Oral Health Improves Your Overall Health, Too
-Ways Improving Your Oral Health Improves Your Overall Health, Too
Posted on 7/27/2020 by Weo Admin
-Ways Improving Your Oral Health Improves Your Overall Health, Too

Caring for your oral health will result in a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. But the benefits don't just stop there, taking good care of your mouth will provide benefits to your overall health as well. Your mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body which means both oral and physical health are linked. This is what we will be going over today, providing a couple of examples on how this works.

Eating Healthy Improves Both Your Mouth And Body

In the dental world, we tell people to eat a healthy diet to maintain healthy teeth. What you put in your mouth is important as some things will cause harm in excess. For example, drinking heavy amounts of soda will allow sugar to be clung to your teeth throughout the day which results in the potential for cavities. Soda also affects the body as well. Drinking a lot of calories throughout the day aids in weight gain and with all that sugar entering your body, you risk high blood sugar complications.

On the flip side, if you are consuming healthy food and beverages such as produce, meals that are nutritious, and drinks that aren't loaded with sugar (seltzer is a great alternative to soda) your mouth and body will be in a much better position.

Avoiding Smoking

Smoking is another great example of something that impacts your mouth and body. You have likely heard about how smoking damages the lungs, but it also damages your mouth! Smokers are 5x more likely to develop oral cancer than non-smokers- it is definitely a good idea to never start this habit, and if you are currently smoking, we highly encourage to get the help you need to quit.

If you would like to see how your oral health is doing, give our office a call to book an appointment!
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Brian K. Rounds, DDS, 1407 College St SE, Lacey, WA 98503 / (360) 764-5236 / brianroundsdds.com / 2/17/2025 / Related Terms: dentist Lacey /