Sugar is a product many people are addicted to, it causes tooth decay and has a link to diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Cutting out sugar in your diet is a great move to ensure that your sugar consumption is low. There are sugars even in the healthy foods that we eat and you do not need to do away with that sugar. Sugar releases endorphins in the brain and your body might crave sugars when these cravings are gone, people might experience withdrawal symptoms and keto flu. Without any sugar, the body might suffer a lack of glucose which helps in fueling our body cells. When you lack this sugar you get ketosis which is rather unpleasant.
Symptoms of sugar withdrawal
Sugar will mess up with your neurotransmitters and trigger the release of hormones known as endorphins which are natural opioids that reduce pain after injury and boost the happiness hormone after exercise. Sugar will trigger the release of a hormone known as dopamine and is a transmitter for the body's cravings. After cutting sugar you may experience intense cravings for sweet things, irritability, and cravings for carbohydrates like pasta.
Coping and relief
The symptoms of sugar withdrawal depend on the goals and reasons for cutting sugar. If you need to transfer to a ketogenic diet then give your body time to adjust. For dental health, cut the sugar in steps, first begin by cutting sweets from your diet completely. Sugar is not good for your teeth and causes dental caries and cavities. Your body will adjust slowly after cutting sugar and especially candy and sweets. Dissolved sugar does not cause so much harm to the teeth as undissolved sugar. However, no sugar is good for dental health. Visit the dentist to know how to deal with sugar withdrawal symptoms